Winners of Awards
Best in Show: Jan Lawler ‘Happy Hour’ Oil
Best Oil/Acrylic: Angelo Quabba ‘Still Life Autumn Theme’ Oil
Best Watercolour/Gouache: Julie Simmons ‘On the Road to Mt Beauty’ Watercolour
Best Pastel: Greg Hansell ‘Greenwich Boatyard’
Best Drawing: Cynthia Boyle ‘Lemons’ Pencil
Best Other/Mixed Media: Bernadette Hurst ‘Trees @ CSU’ Mixed Media
Best Small Painting: Madeleine Szymanski ‘Italian Afternoon’ Watercolour on Ivorine
Best Alpine Shire Scene: Glenys Baxter ‘Spring Morning Mt.Buffalo’ Pastel
Highly Commended: Barbara Baesley-Southgate, Melissa Binion, Roma Burge, Joan Denner, Judith Hoste, Gary Laird, Julie Lundren-Coulter, Carolyn Marrone, Debra Smith, Annemarie Wiegerinck, Joseph Zbukvic, Melissa Johns.

Steve McCall, Catherine Hamilton and Ron Janas

Best Drawing 'Lemons' by Cynthia Boyle

Best Small Painting "italian Afternoon' by Madeleine Szymanski

Painting by Catherine Hamilton, Judge of the Autumn Art Exhibition
Pick up artworks: Sunday 13 May 4pm – 6pm and Monday 14 May 10am – 4 pm

Best in Show 'Happy Hour' by Jan Lawler

Best Oil/Acrylic 'Still Life Autumn Theme' by Angelo Quabba

Best Alpine Scene 'Spring Morning Mt Buffalo' by Glenys Baxter